Back in 1904, the ‘Monto’ area of Dublin was Europe’s largest red-light district. Joyce called it ‘Nighttown’, which was slang amongst journalists for the night shift. The surreal and energetic ‘Circe’ episode of Ulysses unravels on its fantastical streets. “The famished snaggletusks of an elderly bawd protrude from a doorway.”
Bella Cohen’s Bloomsday Blowout is a literary salon with extra O! Who’s getting it up? Hosted by Dublin’s favourite drag king Phil T Gorgeous, it’s a glorious convergence of Bloomsday adventurers and chancers. In one moment it’s an intimate evening of readings and song. In the next it’s shape-shifting midsummer madness.
The dead come to life. The daughters of Erin parody the Celtic Revival. Respectable Dublin ladies become pantomime dames. Three hundred voices sing ‘Love’s Old Sweet Song.’
“God save Leopold the First!”
Bella Cohen’s Bloomsday Blowout is bursting with readings, performances, song, audience participation, comedic interludes and music. All held together yet dragged apart by MC Phil T Gorgeous. Performers include Songs of Joyce, Brian Gilligan, the singer/actor currently starring in Assassins in the Gate, and Burlesque stars Bella Agogo, Azaria Starfire and Bonnie Boux.
Peter Murphy- writer and actor
Let this literary adventure suck you down the rabbit hole into Joyce’s Dublin.
“Has little mousey any tickles tonight?”